Creative Writing Pre-Conservatory Pathway
Fiction, Poetry, Dramatic Writing, and Creative Nonfiction
Course Overview
Creative Writing gives students an opportunity to explore and cultivate their creative voice through fiction, poetry, dramatic writing, and creative nonfiction. Students will learn the value of community and confidence as they study the fundamental building blocks of storytelling and personal expression through writing. Examples of courses include Brainstorm, Elements of Fiction, Verse and Lyric, Writing for the Stage and Screen, Middle School Memoir, Intro to Source Material, and Genre Study.

Audition Requirements
*Current RSI students do not need to audition for this pathway.
Auditioners must submit a 10-page portfolio of writing samples that may include any of the following: fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, playwriting, screenwriting, songwriting, or graphic narrative. Students may use excerpts from larger pieces.
In addition to the portfolio, please include a short creative essay (approximately 500 words) on what excites you most about writing. This essay may be as stylistically creative and experimental as you’d like.
Performance Opportunities
Performance and publication opportunities will be available through poetry readings, open-mic nights, original theatrical presentations, zines, and an end-of-the-year literary magazine to showcase the students’ work.