Outside the Box – Carrie Mizera

Two weeks ago marked the one year anniversary of the shut down of our economy due to the pandemic.  So much has happened in a year and many of them are disheartening.  The RSI community has overcome all odds and is thriving because of the contribution and positive impact from each of you.  For that, I am deeply grateful. 

The event took place in Georgia last week, of the senseless shooting death of innocent people, reminds us that there is still a lot of healing that needs to take place in this world.  Whether the motive of Robert Long is racially motivated, it’s unclear yet but the result is just as devastating.  It raised, again, the awareness of hate and discrimination in general that still reside in America today.  We may be tempted to think there is not much we can do to change the world but I believe we can do our part.  I have always been taken by The Story of the Starfish and believe that everyone can make a difference for at least those who are in the proximity.  

There are several versions of the story available in both print and video formats.  Here are a couple video versions so you can share with your children.  

Preschool version: The Boy and the Starfish 

Elementary and Middle School version: Star Fish Story

At this time, besides teaching our children to respect everyone around us regardless of their color, I would like to issue a challenge.  The challenge is for each of RSI student and the children of RSI staff to do at least one random act of kindness from now until the end of school year.  It doesn’t have to be anything big: a smile to a neighborhood, a cut flower from our backyard to an elderly, a homemade treat to a friend, etc.  My son, Jarek, has decided to invite a friend in the neighborhood who doesn’t have a father figure to a Father and Child Fishing Trip with the dads at our church.  My hope is that the kindness of our students will continue beyond this school year and LOVE WILL SPREAD.  This will have a ripple effect to people within our reach and more.  

I would also like to capture stories of the random act of kindness from RSI students in the school’s newsletters.  Please do share any fun and meaningful stories with Ms. Kelly at nkelly@rschools.org.  

The best is still yet to come for RSI because of the quality of people(YOU) who are in the community.  Have a wonderful week ahead and enjoy the rest of Spring Break.