Outside the Box – Ashley Bleeker
The Annual Science Night event was an incredible night for RSI (Renascence School International) students and their families! This was a special time when students displayed their proficiency in STEM principles and were encouraged to share that with the community. RSI utilizes STEM concepts to form an educational framework that strengthens students’ ability to problem solve and to find solutions through hands on learning.
This event focused on combining academic excellence with an immensely fun environment for all ages. There were many hands-on activities for those in attendance to engage with as well as an opportunity for connection with other families over dinner. Each facet of scientific learning was incorporated into the evening, including physics, chemistry, biology, geology, and much more!
One of the highlights of the evening were the special presentations that the C10 students (Fifth Grade) through C14 students (Freshman) worked together with teachers to create. These students took principles learned in their STEM classes and applied them to create their own unique experiment to present to others. They began practicing the experiments in March, leading to engaging and approachable presentations for all ages. They displayed their understanding of scientific concepts as well as their public speaking skillset. Students created projects such as cloud science, the magic of sound, using gases to blow balloons, and the egg walking competition.
In addition to these wonderful presentations, all students, from preschool through high school, were invited to participate in the catapult creation competition. Each student was tasked with creating their own catapult out of popsicle sticks, glue, rubber bands, and a bottle cap to launch a small item as far as possible. At the event, students took turns testing their creation, and one winner was selected from three grade ranges.
The Parent Teacher Organization also hosted special guests who brought engaging activities for the students and their parents to participate in with. This was special as RSI values connection with the surrounding community.
This Science Night Event was a unique time for families to come together to celebrate accomplishments in students’ academic journeys and their success with scientific experimentation. This was an engaging way to inspire students to continue pursuing their academic endeavors with tenacity and curiosity. Everyone in attendance was able to see tangibly the efforts of our students and teachers through their advanced STEM academics.
We want to thank Karen W., Theresa N., and Evan S. for their investment of time leading to the success of this incredible event! Thank you to our special guests UCI, Lightspeed Technology, Lakeshore, Orange Coast Community College, Costa Mesa Sanitary District, and Naturalist for You.
Congratulations to our catapult competition winners: L10 and under: L5-1 John, C6-C9: C6-2 Eleanor, C10 and up: C12 Jason.
Photos submitted by Carrie M., Karen W., and Helen N.