Enhanced learning that goes beyond

Enrichment Programs

To expand on a solid foundation of learning, RSI offers a variety of enrichment programs for students of all ages.

We offer a diverse selection of classes and afterschool programs from music to robotics to creative writing. Our enrichment programs offer many advantages to students’ personal growth by enhancing attentiveness through focus, strengthening perseverance by completing tasks, fostering independence through decision making, and more. Most importantly, they are fun!

Fine Arts Afterschool Program 2025

We are excited to offer a comprehensive multi-cultural and multi-lingual fine arts program providing quality and dynamic instruction in theater, technical theater, and creative writing. Taught by experienced fine arts professionals, classes will prepare students for our June 13th school production of Metamorphosis. This semester, our tailored offerings provide more specific and immersive activities to contribute to a collaborative effort, ensuring a performance the students can take pride in creating.

February to June 2025
Wednesday – Friday, 3:30 – 5:30 PM


60-minute program focused on presenting full roles and scenes for performance, rather than introductory theater skills


60-minute program teaching design and construction of set pieces, lighting, costumes, and props for production


60-minute class where students will write the narration, script, and even some song lyrics for Metamorphosis

  • Arts enrichment and same day afterschool care ONE day per week – $150 per month
  • Arts enrichment and same day afterschool care TWO days per week – $300 per month
  • Daily general afterschool care with no arts enrichment – $450/month

  • Monthly extended care add-on is available for RSI students who take after school musical instrument classes from OCMD for $50/child (1 day a week) or $100/child (2 days a week).