Outside the Box – Nicole Kelly
RSI students and staff begin the year with reflections on the past, gratitude, and hopes for the future.
On the first day back from break, C13 students discussed the start of the New Year in their Chinese class. Zhang Laoshi, middle school Math and Chinese teacher, reflected on 2020 (the Year of the Rat) with her students and discussed the hardships that came along with last year. It was not an easy year for many, but looking to the future, they are hopeful that 2021 will turn around and the world will be a better place. In hopes of having a bright start for the new year, students had a deep discussion together in class with their teacher. They all agreed to bring hope, faith, and love with them into the new year to embrace 2021. At the end of the class, all students shared their hopes and goals and wrote their sweet wishes for the new year. Students wished that the virus would go away, they want to chat with their friends more, achieve personal goals, and enjoy the year.
Other classes discussed their goals and hopes for the new year as well. Most students hope for the virus to die down so they can return to school and see their friends, other students set goals of making new friends this year and being a better friend to everyone around them.
Even with all the unforeseen changes last year, we are truly grateful for all of our students, staff, and families for being resilient and positive. We are looking forward to a bright year ahead!