Outside the Box – Nicole Kelly
September is National Preparedness Month! RSIOC has emergency preparedness plans in place at school, do you have one at home? Just as we practice fire and earthquake drills at school, it is helpful to practice at home too.
Around this time of the school year, RSI students would be practicing fire drills and talking about emergency preparedness with their teachers. Last year, Officer Friendly and his trusty companion Ready Fox came to RSI for an emergency preparedness assembly and talked to our kids about the best practices for preparing for an emergency. This is a great time to review your family emergency plan with your students or take the time to create a family emergency plan together. Creating an emergency bucket with a checklist of essential items is good practice and planning as well. ReadyOC offers resources on its website to help your family plan and prepare.
Check out ReadyOC.org for a list of basic items to add to your bucket and make a Promise to Prepare.