RSI Students Find Success at Speech and Debate Competition

RSI Middle School and High School students spent several weeks preparing for a speech and debate competition hosted by the Asian American Advocacy Alliance. Students met with a speech and debate mentor and invested time into the memorization of the speech so that their execution was polished. One RSI student in C11 (6th grade) was given the Outstanding Speech Award.

November 28th, 2022|

RSI Classroom Thanksgiving Celebrations

This week RSI is celebrating Thanksgiving with intentionality and joy! This holiday is one of the main holidays celebrated at RSI, as part of the English class curriculum. Every language class has two holidays that are celebrated to bring insight into the culture the language is apart of.

November 21st, 2022|

Grandparent and Special Friends Day

This year, "Strong Roots Make Beautiful Leaves" was the theme of the Grandparent and Special Friends day hosted at RSI (Renascence School International). This was one of RSI's annual events, hosted to celebrate and honor an incredibly important group of people in our students' lives. Students were invited to bring their grandparents and special friends on campus for a morning of connection before classes began.

November 14th, 2022|
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