RSI Students Reach Benchmark Set by Global Seal of Biliteracy
At Renascence School International, our goal is for students to be business proficient in Mandarin and Spanish by the time they graduate from high school.
What Does it Look Like to Have Students Back on Campus?
It has been 4 weeks since RSI students and staff have returned to the classrooms. While everyone is adapting to the new policies and procedures in place, RSIOC continues to provide a safe environment for students to continue learning and having fun!
Virtual Assembly Celebration
There was a lot to celebrate during RSI Elementary' s virtual assembly!
Emergency Preparedness at Home
September is National Preparedness Month! RSIOC has emergency preparedness plans in place at school, do you have one at home? Just as we practice fire and earthquake drills at school, it is helpful to practice at home too.
Homework Club Kicks-off the Second Week of School
With the new school year comes a new opportunity for learning and growth! The second week of class kicked-off the start of RSI's after-school online Homework Club.
Welcome Back to School
As we celebrate our 10th anniversary, RSI students and staff are looking forward to another great year of learning and leading together!